21 January, 2011


Microalbuminuria is a condition where very small amounts of the protein albumin pass through your kidneys and into your urine. This can be a sign of underlying conditions such as kidney disease or cardiovascular disease.

blood contains cells and proteins that you need, as well as waste products that your body needs to get rid of. Your blood is filtered by your kidneys and waste products are removed from your body in your urine. Usually, cells and proteins stay in your blood, but sometimes a small amount of protein is lost into your urine along with other waste products.

Microalbuminuria is when the level of the protein albumin in your urine is always slightly raised. Microalbuminuria is defined as 30 to 300mg of albumin being lost in your urine per day. This is different to proteinuria, which is when the levels of protein in your urine are higher than 300mg a day.

Microalbuminuria means that the blood vessels involved in filtering waste products in your kidneys are damaged. Microalbuminuria may be the first sign of kidney damage or kidney disease. People with type 1 and type 2 diabetes may have kidney damage as a complication of their diabetes. If you have diabetes and microalbuminuria is detected early, there are treatments that can reduce the damage to your kidneys.

Microalbuminuria can also be a sign of more widespread damage to your blood vessels, including those of your heart. Microalbuminuria can be a sign that you're at an increased risk of heart disease, particularly if you have type 2 diabetes.

Causes of microalbuminuria -
High blood pressure
Diabetic kidney disease
Urinary tract infection
Heart failure
Uncontrolled blood sugar levels
Blood in urine
