13 August, 2013


The US-FDA  has cracked down on  alternative or natural treatment for diabetes, including ayurvedic and homeopathic remedies. Fifteen companies in the US, including some that procure alternative diabetes medications from India, have been warned by the FDA, asking them to stop sale in the US claiming to treat, cure, and prevent diabetes.

Foreign and domestic companies whose products claiming to mitigate, treat, cure or prevent diabetes and related complications, were sold online and in retail stores have been asked to tell FDA  within 15 days how they will correct the violations.

The FDA has also advised consumers not to use these or similar products because they may contain harmful ingredients or may be otherwise unsafe, or may improperly be marketed as over-the-counter products when they should be marketed as prescription products.

Many of the illegally sold products include claims such as "prevents and treats diabetes," and "can replace medicine in the treatment of diabetes," FDA said.

These illegally sold products, according to FDA, include Dietary supplements and Ayurvedic products described as "medicine of the healing arts that originated in India" with claims to treat, cure, and/or prevent diabetes.

This is what a responsible country does....

What do we do????

Get fooled by advertisements...

we see pamphlets in all colors stuck on road claiming to cure hydrocele without surgery, diabetes without tablets, hernia without surgery. Recently some have gone to the extent of treating cancer and AIDS.

Wake up!! Don't be Fooled!! Think logically!! Act rationally!!
